Women's Dessert & Discussion

Geshem: Women, Water & Wells 

Tuesday, October 18 at 7 pm 

Location: Diane Hartz Warsoff's Sukkah. This event will be outdoors. Please dress warmly. 

Dessert will be provided.

Guest Speaker: Maeera Shreiber

Topic: On Shemini Atzeret (the very end of the arc of the holiday season), we offer a special prayer for rain (it is the beginning of the rainy season in Israel). The traditional version of this prayer refers  to each of the forefathers and their relationship to water.
On this occasion, we will gather to celebrate our foremothers: Sarah, Hagar, Rivkah, Rachel, Leah, and Miriam. Join together to celebrate our deep connection to water mayyim haim the water of life.

Bio: Maeera  Shreiber is an Associate Professor Department of English at the University of Utah, where she teaches poetry and religion. Her most recent book,  Holy Envy: Writing in the Jewish Christian Borderzone is forthcoming from Fordham University Press (Fall, 2022)

She is also the author of Singing in a Strange Land: Jewish American Poetry and Poetics (Stanford University Press, 2007. Recently she was a Senior Fulbright Scholar at Haifa University.

Maeera is also in her second years of rabbinic studies. 

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