PJ Library - Tu B'Shevat Celebration 

Please note, the start time of this event has changed to 3:30 pm!

Sunday, January 21st - 3:30 pm 

I.J. & Jeanne Wagner Jewish Community Center. Registration required. Please note - if you are not a member of the JCC, be prepared to show a photo I.D. upon entering the building.

Experience a shortened Tu B'Shevat Seder with your PJ Library family! 

  • Learn the Tu B'Shevat blessings while enjoyed a very abbreviated Tu B'Shevat Seder.
  • Plant parsley that will be ready for Passover
  • Create cards for Jewish Family Service. The cards will be given to seniors in our community.

Contact: Yahelle Yaccoby with any questions ([email protected]).

Your support enables PJ Library books to be delivered to Jewish families across the state and ensures continued programming specifically for PJ families. Please consider a directed gift to PJ Library through the United Jewish Federation of Utah that will allow this program to continue to grow, engage, and support our PJ Library community! 

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