PJ Library - Purim Palooza, Salt Lake City

Sunday, March 17 - 12:30 - 2:00 pm 

Location: Congregation Kol Ami

Please register so we know to expect you. 

Join PJ Library Utah for our annual Purim Palooza! Put on your favorite costume and celebrate Purim with face painting, crafts, stories, music, and more! Light food, refreshments, and hamantaschens will be served. 

  • Show off your favorite costume
  • Create masks and groggers
  • Enjoy face painting
  • Listen to a PJ Purim story and take home new books
  • and more!

Contact: Yahelle Yaccoby with any questions ([email protected]).

Your support enables PJ Library books to be delivered to Jewish families across the state and ensures continued programming specifically for PJ families. Please consider a directed gift to PJ Library through the United Jewish Federation of Utah that will allow this program to continue to grow, engage, and support our PJ Library community! 

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